Class: Serializable

eclairjs. Serializable

A JSON Serializable object that can be serialized and "shipped" to spark workers over the network. This object mushed be used for spark serlization.


new Serializable(jsObject)

Name Type Description
jsObject object JavaScript object, the properties of the object will be mixin to this object.
var Serializable = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Serializable');
var s = new Serializable();
 var result = pairRdd.aggregateByKey(s,
  function(hashSetA, b) {
     hashSetA[b] = hashSetA[b] ? hashSetA[b] + 1 : 1;
     return hashSetA;
 function(setA, setB){
    for (var k in setA) {
       if (setB.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
            setA[k] += setB[k];
     return setA;