* Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
var JavaWrapper = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/JavaWrapper');
var Utils = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Utils');
var Logger = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Logger');
var logger = Logger.getLogger("sql.DataFrameWriter_js");
* :: Experimental ::
* Interface used to write a {@link DataFrame} to external storage systems (e.g. file systems,
* key-value stores, etc). Use {@link write} to access this.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @constructor
* @memberof module:eclairjs/sql
* @classdesc
var DataFrameWriter = function (javaDataFrameWriter) {
var jvmObj = javaDataFrameWriter;
JavaWrapper.call(this, jvmObj);
DataFrameWriter.prototype = Object.create(JavaWrapper.prototype);
//Set the "constructor" property to refer to DataFrameWriter
DataFrameWriter.prototype.constructor = DataFrameWriter;
* Specifies the behavior when data or table already exists. Options include:
* - `overwrite`: overwrite the existing data.
* - `append`: append the data.
* - `ignore`: ignore the operation (i.e. no-op).
* - `error`: default option, throw an exception at runtime.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string}
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
DataFrameWriter.prototype.mode = function (saveMode) {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().mode(saveMode);
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Specifies the underlying output data source. Built-in options include "parquet", "json", etc.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} source
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
DataFrameWriter.prototype.format = function (source) {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().format(source);
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Adds an output option for the underlying data source.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string | object} keyOrMap
* If object, the object is expected to be a HashMap, the key of the map is type: 'String'
* The value must be of the following type: `String`.
* @param {string}
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
DataFrameWriter.prototype.option = function (keyOrMap, value) {
var javaObject;
if (typeof keyOrMap === 'object') {
var map = Utils.createJavaHashMap(keyOrMap);
javaObject = this.getJavaObject().option(map);
} else {
javaObject = this.getJavaObject().option(keyOrMap, value);
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If specified, the output is
* laid out on the file system similar to Hive's partitioning scheme.
* This is only applicable for Parquet at the moment.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} colName,...colName
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
DataFrameWriter.prototype.partitionBy = function () {
* Create a argument list we can send to Java
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var str = "this.getJavaObject().partitionBy("
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var spacer = i < 1 ? "" : ",";
str += spacer + "args[" + i + "]";
str += ");";
var javaObject = eval(str);
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} as the specified table., unless path is specified.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} [path] Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} at the specified path.
DataFrameWriter.prototype.savewithPath = function (path) {
if (path) {
} else {
* Inserts the content of the {@link DataFrame} to the specified table. It requires that
* the schema of the {@link DataFrame} is the same as the schema of the table.
* Because it inserts data to an existing table, format or options will be ignored.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} tableName
DataFrameWriter.prototype.insertInto = function (tableName) {
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} as the specified table.
* In the case the table already exists, behavior of this function depends on the
* save mode, specified by the `mode` function (default to throwing an exception).
* When `mode` is `Overwrite`, the schema of the {@link DataFrame} does not need to be
* the same as that of the existing table.
* When `mode` is `Append`, the schema of the {@link DataFrame} need to be
* the same as that of the existing table, and format or options will be ignored.
* When the DataFrame is created from a non-partitioned {@link HadoopFsRelation} with a single input
* path, and the data source provider can be mapped to an existing Hive builtin SerDe (i.e. ORC
* and Parquet), the table is persisted in a Hive compatible format, which means other systems
* like Hive will be able to read this table. Otherwise, the table is persisted in a Spark SQL
* specific format.
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} tableName
DataFrameWriter.prototype.saveAsTable = function (tableName) {
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} to a external database table via JDBC. In the case the
* table already exists in the external database, behavior of this function depends on the
* save mode, specified by the `mode` function (default to throwing an exception).
* Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster; otherwise Spark might crash
* your external database systems.
* @param {string} url JDBC database url of the form `jdbc:subprotocol:subname`
* @param {string} table Name of the table in the external database.
* @param {object} connectionProperties JDBC database connection arguments, a list of arbitrary string
* tag/value. Normally at least a "user" and "password" property
* should be included.
DataFrameWriter.prototype.jdbc = function (url, table, connectionProperties) {
var map = Utils.createJavaHashMap(connectionProperties, new java.util.Properties());
var connectionProperties_uw = Utils.unwrapObject(connectionProperties);
this.getJavaObject().jdbc(url, table, map);
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} in JSON format at the specified path.
* This is equivalent to:
* @example
* format("json").save(path)
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} path
DataFrameWriter.prototype.json = function (path) {
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} in Parquet format at the specified path.
* This is equivalent to:
* @example
* format("parquet").save(path)
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.4.0
* @param {string} path
DataFrameWriter.prototype.parquet = function (path) {
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} in ORC format at the specified path.
* This is equivalent to:
* @example
* format("orc").save(path)
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.5.0
* @note Currently, this method can only be used together with `HiveContext`.
* @param {string} path
DataFrameWriter.prototype.orc = function (path) {
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} in a text file at the specified path.
* The DataFrame must have only one column that is of string type.
* Each row becomes a new line in the output file. For example:
* @example
* df.write().text("/path/to/output")
* @since EclairJS 0.1 Spark 1.6.0
* @param {string} path
DataFrameWriter.prototype.text = function (path) {
* Buckets the output by the given columns. If specified, the output is laid out on the file
* system similar to Hive's bucketing scheme.
* This is applicable for Parquet, JSON and ORC.
* @since EclairJS 0.7 Spark 2.0
* @param {number} numBuckets
* @param {string} colName
* @param {...string} colNames
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
* @function
* @name module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter#bucketBy
DataFrameWriter.prototype.bucketBy = function(numBuckets,colName,colNames) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2);
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().bucketBy(numBuckets,colName,Java.to(args, "java.lang.String[]"));
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Sorts the output in each bucket by the given columns.
* This is applicable for Parquet, JSON and ORC.
* @since EclairJS 0.7 Spark 2.0
* @param {string} colName
* @param {...string} colNames
* @returns {module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter}
* @function
* @name module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter#sortBy
DataFrameWriter.prototype.sortBy = function(colName,colNames) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().sortBy(colName,Java.to(args, "java.lang.String[]"));
return new DataFrameWriter(javaObject);
* Saves the content of the {@link DataFrame} in CSV format at the specified path.
* This is equivalent to:
* @example
* format("csv").save(path)
* You can set the following CSV-specific option(s) for writing CSV files:
* <li>`sep` (default `,`): sets the single character as a separator for each
* field and value.</li>
* <li>`quote` (default `"`): sets the single character used for escaping quoted values where
* the separator can be part of the value.</li>
* <li>`escape` (default `\`): sets the single character used for escaping quotes inside
* an already quoted value.</li>
* <li>`escapeQuotes` (default `true`): a flag indicating whether values containing
* quotes should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to escape all values containing
* a quote character.</li>
* <li>`quoteAll` (default `false`): A flag indicating whether all values should always be
* enclosed in quotes. Default is to only escape values containing a quote character.</li>
* <li>`header` (default `false`): writes the names of columns as the first line.</li>
* <li>`nullValue` (default empty string): sets the string representation of a null value.</li>
* <li>`compression` (default `null`): compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be
* one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (`none`, `bzip2`, `gzip`, `lz4`,
* `snappy` and `deflate`). </li>
* @since EclairJS 0.7 Spark 2.0.0
* @param {string} path
* @function
* @name module:eclairjs/sql.DataFrameWriter#csv
DataFrameWriter.prototype.csv = function(path) {
module.exports = DataFrameWriter;