* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
var JavaWrapper = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/JavaWrapper');
var Logger = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Logger');
var Utils = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Utils');
var BisectingKMeansModel = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/mllib/clustering/BisectingKMeansModel');
* A bisecting k-means algorithm based on the paper "A comparison of document clustering techniques"
* by Steinbach, Karypis, and Kumar, with modification to fit Spark.
* The algorithm starts from a single cluster that contains all points.
* Iteratively it finds divisible clusters on the bottom level and bisects each of them using
* k-means, until there are `k` leaf clusters in total or no leaf clusters are divisible.
* The bisecting steps of clusters on the same level are grouped together to increase parallelism.
* If bisecting all divisible clusters on the bottom level would result more than `k` leaf clusters,
* larger clusters get higher priority.
* @param k the desired number of leaf clusters (default: 4). The actual number could be smaller if
* there are no divisible leaf clusters.
* @param maxIterations the max number of k-means iterations to split clusters (default: 20)
* @param minDivisibleClusterSize the minimum number of points (if >= 1.0) or the minimum proportion
* of points (if < 1.0) of a divisible cluster (default: 1)
* @param seed a random seed (default: hash value of the class name)
* @see [[http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/fetch/papers/docclusterKDDTMW00.pdf
* Steinbach, Karypis, and Kumar, A comparison of document clustering techniques,
* KDD Workshop on Text Mining, 2000.]]
* @classdesc
* Constructs with the default configuration
* @class
* @memberof module:eclairjs/mllib/clustering
var BisectingKMeans = function(jvmObject) {
this.logger = Logger.getLogger("BisectingKMeans_js");
if (!jvmObject) {
jvmObject = new org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.BisectingKMeans();
JavaWrapper.call(this, jvmObject);
BisectingKMeans.prototype = Object.create(JavaWrapper.prototype);
BisectingKMeans.prototype.constructor = BisectingKMeans;
* Sets the desired number of leaf clusters (default: 4).
* The actual number could be smaller if there are no divisible leaf clusters.
* @param {integer} k
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/clustering.BisectingKMeans}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.setK = function(k) {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().setK(k);
return new BisectingKMeans(javaObject);
* Gets the desired number of leaf clusters.
* @returns {integer}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.getK = function() {
return this.getJavaObject().getK();
* Sets the max number of k-means iterations to split clusters (default: 20).
* @param {number} maxIterations
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/clustering.BisectingKMeans}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.setMaxIterations = function(maxIterations) {
var inter = maxIterations ? maxIterations : null;
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().setMaxIterations(inter);
return new BisectingKMeans(javaObject);
* Gets the max number of k-means iterations to split clusters.
* @returns {int}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.getMaxIterations = function() {
return this.getJavaObject().getMaxIterations();
* Sets the minimum number of points (if >= `1.0`) or the minimum proportion of points
* (if < `1.0`) of a divisible cluster (default: 1).
* @param {float} minDivisibleClusterSize
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/clustering.BisectingKMeans}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.setMinDivisibleClusterSize = function(minDivisibleClusterSize) {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().setMinDivisibleClusterSize(minDivisibleClusterSize);
return new BisectingKMeans(javaObject);
* Gets the minimum number of points (if >= `1.0`) or the minimum proportion of points
* (if < `1.0`) of a divisible cluster.
* @returns {float}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.getMinDivisibleClusterSize = function() {
return this.getJavaObject().getMinDivisibleClusterSize();
* Sets the random seed (default: hash value of the class name).
* @param {integer} seed
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/clustering.BisectingKMeans}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.setSeed = function(seed) {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().setSeed(seed);
return new BisectingKMeans(javaObject);
* Gets the random seed.
* @returns {integer}
BisectingKMeans.prototype.getSeed = function() {
return this.getJavaObject().getSeed();
* Runs the bisecting k-means algorithm.
* @param {module:eclairjs.RDD} input RDD of vectors
* @returns {BisectingKMeansModel} model for the bisecting kmeans
BisectingKMeans.prototype.run = function(input) {
var input_uw = Utils.unwrapObject(input);
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().run(input_uw);
return new BisectingKMeansModel(javaObject);
module.exports = BisectingKMeans;