* Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
var RegressionModel = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/ml/regression/RegressionModel');
var Logger = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Logger');
var Utils = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/Utils');
* @classdesc
* Model produced by {@link module:eclairjs/ml/regression.LinearRegression}.
* @class
* @extends module:eclairjs/mllib/regression.RegressionModel
* @memberof module:eclairjs/ml/regression
var LinearRegressionModel = function (jvmObject) {
this.logger = Logger.getLogger("ml_regression_LinearRegressionModel_js");
RegressionModel.call(this, jvmObject);
LinearRegressionModel.prototype = Object.create(RegressionModel.prototype);
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.constructor = LinearRegressionModel;
* An immutable unique ID for the object and its derivatives.
* @returns {string}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.uid = function () {
return this.getJavaObject().uid();
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/linalg.Vector}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.coefficients = function () {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().coefficients();
return Utils.javaToJs(javaObject);
* @returns {flaot[]}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.intercept = function () {
return Utils.javaToJs(this.getJavaObject().intercept());
* Gets summary (e.g. residuals, mse, r-squared ) of model on training set. An exception is
* thrown if `trainingSummary == None`.
* @returns {module:eclairjs/ml/regression.LinearRegressionTrainingSummary}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.summary = function () {
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().summary();
return Utils.javaToJs(javaObject);
* Indicates whether a training summary exists for this model instance.
* @returns {boolean}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.hasSummary = function () {
return this.getJavaObject().hasSummary();
* Evaluates the model on a test dataset.
* @param {module:eclairjs/sql.Dataset} dataset Test dataset to evaluate model on.
* @returns {module:eclairjs/ml/regression.LinearRegressionSummary}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.evaluate = function(dataset) {
var dataset_uw = Utils.unwrapObject(dataset);
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().evaluate(dataset_uw);
return new LinearRegressionSummary(javaObject);
* @param {module:eclairjs/ml/param.ParamMap} extra
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/regression.LinearRegressionModel}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.copy = function (extra) {
var extra_uw = Utils.unwrapObject(extra);
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().copy(extra_uw);
return new LinearRegressionModel(javaObject);
* Returns a {@link MLWriter} instance for this ML instance.
* For [[LinearRegressionModel]], this does NOT currently save the training {@link summary}.
* An option to save {@link summary} may be added in the future.
* This also does not save the {@link parent} currently.
* @returns {module:eclairjs/ml/util.MLWriter}
LinearRegressionModel.prototype.write = function () {
var MLWriter = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/ml/util/MLWriter');
var javaObject = this.getJavaObject().write();
the object is an inner class so don't use Utils.javaToJs
to create the MLWriter object.
return new MLWriter(javaObject);
// static methods
* @returns {module:eclairjs/ml/util.MLReader}
LinearRegressionModel.read = function () {
var MLReader = require(EclairJS_Globals.NAMESPACE + '/ml/util/MLReader');
var javaObject = org.apache.spark.ml.regression.LinearRegressionModel.read();
The object is and inner class so don't user Utils.javaToJs
to create th MLReader.
return new MLReader(javaObject);
* @param {string} path
* @returns {module:eclairjs/mllib/regression.LinearRegressionModel}
LinearRegressionModel.load = function (path) {
var javaObject = org.apache.spark.ml.regression.LinearRegressionModel.load(path);
return new LinearRegressionModel(javaObject);
module.exports = LinearRegressionModel;